We honour your labour. May you be surrounded by love.
Althea & Jo
Illustrating and Writing Team
Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love
Thanks to everyone who came out to TALES FROM THE FLIPSIDE: OVER TIME, OVERSEAS - it was so good to see so many caregivers, community leaders, allies and artists, old friends and festival first-timers in the audience. Thanks to our community partners Carlos Bulosan Theatre (CBT), Kapisanan, and the KULTURA Festival; Leon Aureus, Artistic Producer and Martha Ocampo, co-founder of CBT for sharing their words; CBT playwrights, Fely O. Villasin and Bea Palanca for sharing their talents with the community; CBT actors, Karen Ancheta, Victoria Marie Sawal and Leon Aureus for sharing the stage with us; Artists, Leila Pourtavaf and Agata Mrozowsk from OCAD University's Public Action Thematic Residency for presenting their work and announcing our upcoming partnership for this fall; Ed Cortejos, our technician for lighting our stories; The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and Haudenosaunee Peoples for having newcomers and settlers as guests on their traditional territory; and our families/chosen families, friends/kaibigans who love and encourage us. Maraming Salamat Po, to the hard-working and generous caregivers who contribute so much to our community.
We honour your labour. May you be surrounded by love. Althea & Jo Illustrating and Writing Team Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love |
July 2024
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Created by Kwentong Bayan Collective. Website: www.lcpcomicbook.com All work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License |
© Kwentong Bayan Collective 2024