We will use the funding to develop and support our comic book, “Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love”.
This will be a community-based comic book created in collaboration with temporary migrant workers living in Toronto and working under the Federal Government’s Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP).
Over the course of this project we will interview caregivers, attend events and workshops, and other activities to build a relationship with the community and better understand the reality of caregivers’ lives in Toronto. We are working closely with an advisory group consisting of caregivers, advocates, and community leaders who help us develop an ethics review process, create guidelines, consent forms, and support us throughout all phases of the project.
You will read stories that you don’t see in mainstream media or academic papers. You will read real life stories of dignity in the face of adversity; and stories about the power of community and friendship. We believe our comic book will be an accessible format to educate people about the lives of caregivers in Toronto.
Thank you to the Neighbourhood Arts Network BMO Seeds Fund and our community for your support!